About the copyright
As a general rule, we hold the copyrights of the contents (information, materials, images, etc.) on our website. Unless used within the scope stipulated by the Copyright Act, secondary use such as copying, reprinting, editing, selling, etc., is prohibited without our permission.
Request to our customers
The information that is sent through our web page (excluding customer’s personal information) may be used to improve our business activities. In addition, please avoid sending service ideas, etc., through our web page. To avoid problems of similarity between ideas developed originally by the company and those of the customer, please be aware and agree that the copyrights of all information sent through our web page belong to the company.
Use of cookies
Our web page uses cookies to improve the customer’s convenience and research the effective use of our web page, among other purposes. A cookie is a small text file that the website sends to your computer’s hard drive in order to keep records. The use of cookies has become standard in the internet world and is adopted by many sites to provide useful functionalities to users. The cookie identifies the computer that the customer uses, but does not identify the customer himself/herself. We kindly ask for your understanding.
・ The information posted on our website is not necessarily guaranteed by us.
・ We are not responsible for any problems, losses, or damages that may occur or are assumed to have occurred while using our website or due to any errors in the content of our website.
・ By using our website, we consider that you agree with our privacy policy.